New city champ European Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)

Casey, Pop pop, and I ventured into Oakland Cemetary

Waiting for the MARTA during fall semester

Making lefsa with Pop Pop

Hangin' with our old buddy Charlie

new city champion Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) in Cascade Springs, ATL

this tree had a hollow filled with ice!

the falls of Cascade Springs on a cold December day

knarly = old

cool bark on tuliptree = old

city co-champion White Oak (Quercus alba) in Connally Oaks Nature Preserve

gettin' paid

coldest december in Fernbank Forest in years

winged elm = winged root flares

champion Tuliptree I found in Storza Woods (Atlanta Botanical Gardens)

Is this a scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea) leaf??

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