A small grove of 3 nice old Tulip Poplars were on Williams Albrights property near Clairmont and N. Decatur Rd. Now only 2 remain including this giant- over 15' CBH (see my intern Kate for scale)

Next up: Hidden Cove Park- another 15 footer! I named this one "Sidepocket"

On to Fernbank Forest and some off trail areas I haven't seen in a couple years:
These "twin" Tulip Poplar are amazing- the one of the right is probably the biggest in the forest (largest CBH for sure)

Neat Bloodroot- I have to see this patch in bloom next spring... look at the unique leaf shape of the 2nd plant too.

Cool bark on an Ash tree- DEEP furrows!

Bones! maybe a hawk or owl dined here. I really think the Red Tailed Hawk is my spirit animal.

Saturday: Urban Hike on the Beltline with my Sis and 36 of our closest friends (see here for a full synopsis)

Sunday: Lazy day at home... well not too lazy
Harvesting stevia from the garden (note exoskeleton on leaf)

Biking with Liza (1st time since surgery!)

Dank meal with tomatoes and rosemary from our garden (thanks Liza!)

Snugglin' with Ophie during the thunderstorm

Crazy (long overdue) Thunderstorm!! 3 inches of rain = a creek you could canoe down in our backyard!

Crazy! That bloodroot leaf is awesome. And all those bones. Too bad the weekend had to end!
there will be another one soon, with me there!
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