St. John's Wort


Adelgid damage in Asheville- I don't think I saw a single healthy hemlock in the whole town... :(

On the parkway

The conditions are harsh and the growing season is short up here. The first picture is of a valley grown birch, the second is of a birch near Mt. Mitchell (over 1 mile above sea level). They are the SAME diameter!
20 rings

70 rings

40 rings on this tiny stump! this tree would grown this big in 10 or 20 years in Atlanta!

Mt. Mitchell shots

Spruce-Fir forest at 6200' above sea level

Mt. Mitchell watershed

Evil adelgids! The Balsam Woolly Adelgid is devastating the spruce and fir at this elevation on many mountains in the Southern Appalachains... they essentially starve the trees to death.

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