upstate NY countryside

Lake Placid left much to be desired (looked like the Helen of NY)

Old growth at the base of Ampersand Mountain

240+ year old hemlock trunk (Tsuga candensis)

357 year old white pine trunk (Pinus strobus)

Look how tight these growth rings are- due to a VERY short growing season and harsh conditions

Cool orchids

Giant maples like this were EVERYWHERE!

Later that day the sun started to peek out a little and we did a quick 1 mile hike up 1000' vertical on the "Poke-O-Moonshine" trail. Pretty sweet.
maidenhair fern

ripe (tiny) blueberries on the outcropping at the top

Streams were high throughout the Adirondacks due to seasonally high rain and this trail doubled as a stream in many spots

view of the road near the trailhead

Bobcat scat?

Amazing view from the top- WELL worth the hike

Ausable Falls near Plattsburgh- I'd love to explore this area again

We crashed in Plattsburgh, NY and caught the ferry the next day across Lake Champlain

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